Source code for skada.metrics

# Author: Theo Gnassounou <>
#         Remi Flamary <>
#         Oleksii Kachaiev <>
#         Yanis Lalou <>
# License: BSD 3-Clause

import warnings
from abc import abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, clone
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import balanced_accuracy_score, check_scoring
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, Normalizer
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.utils.extmath import softmax
from sklearn.utils.metadata_routing import _MetadataRequester, get_routing_for_object

from ._utils import (
from .utils import check_X_y_domain, extract_source_indices, source_target_split

# xxx(okachaiev): maybe it would be easier to reuse _BaseScorer?
# xxx(okachaiev): add proper __repr__/__str__
# xxx(okachaiev): support clone()
class _BaseDomainAwareScorer(_MetadataRequester):
    __metadata_request__score = {"sample_domain": True}

    def _score(self, estimator, X, y, sample_domain=None, **params):

    def __call__(self, estimator, X, y=None, sample_domain=None, **params):
        return self._score(estimator, X, y, sample_domain=sample_domain, **params)

[docs] class SupervisedScorer(_BaseDomainAwareScorer): """Compute score on supervised dataset. Parameters ---------- scoring : str or callable, default=None A string (see model evaluation documentation) or a scorer callable object / function with signature ``scorer(estimator, X, y)``. If None, the provided estimator object's `score` method is used. greater_is_better : bool, default=True Whether `scorer` is a score function (default), meaning high is good, or a loss function, meaning low is good. In the latter case, the scorer object will sign-flip the outcome of the `scorer`. """ __metadata_request__score = {"target_labels": True} def __init__(self, scoring=None, greater_is_better=True): super().__init__() self.scoring = scoring self._sign = 1 if greater_is_better else -1 def _score( self, estimator, X, y=None, sample_domain=None, target_labels=None, **params ): scorer = check_scoring(estimator, self.scoring) X, y, sample_domain = check_X_y_domain(X, y, sample_domain, allow_nd=True) source_idx = extract_source_indices(sample_domain) return self._sign * scorer( estimator, X[~source_idx], target_labels[~source_idx], sample_domain=sample_domain[~source_idx], **params, )
[docs] class ImportanceWeightedScorer(_BaseDomainAwareScorer): """Score based on source data using sample weight. See [17]_ for details. Parameters ---------- weight_estimator : estimator object, optional The estimator to use to estimate the densities of source and target observations. If None, a KernelDensity estimator is with default parameters used. scoring : str or callable, default=None A string (see model evaluation documentation) or a scorer callable object / function with signature ``scorer(estimator, X, y)``. If None, the provided estimator object's `score` method is used. greater_is_better : bool, default=True Whether `scorer` is a score function (default), meaning high is good, or a loss function, meaning low is good. In the latter case, the scorer object will sign-flip the outcome of the `scorer`. Attributes ---------- weight_estimator_source_ : object The estimator object fitted on the source data. weight_estimator_target_ : object The estimator object fitted on the target data. References ---------- .. [17] Masashi Sugiyama et al. Covariate Shift Adaptation by Importance Weighted Cross Validation. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2007. """ def __init__( self, weight_estimator=None, scoring=None, greater_is_better=True, ): super().__init__() self.weight_estimator = weight_estimator self.scoring = scoring self._sign = 1 if greater_is_better else -1 def _fit(self, X_source, X_target): """Fit adaptation parameters. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, *), where * is any number of dimensions of at least 1 The source data. X_target : array-like, shape (n_samples, *), where * is any number of dimensions of at least 1 The target data. Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ weight_estimator = self.weight_estimator if weight_estimator is None: weight_estimator = KernelDensity() self.weight_estimator_source_ = clone(weight_estimator) self.weight_estimator_target_ = clone(weight_estimator) return self def _score(self, estimator, X, y, sample_domain=None, **params): scorer = check_scoring(estimator, self.scoring) if "sample_weight" not in get_routing_for_object(estimator).consumes( "score", ["sample_weight"] ): raise ValueError( "The estimator passed should accept 'sample_weight' parameter. " f"The estimator {estimator!r} does not." ) X, y, sample_domain = check_X_y_domain(X, y, sample_domain, allow_nd=True) X_source, X_target, y_source, _ = source_target_split( X, y, sample_domain=sample_domain ) # Reshape to 2D vectors X_source_reshaped = X_source.reshape(X_source.shape[0], -1) X_target_reshaped = X_target.reshape(X_target.shape[0], -1) self._fit(X_source_reshaped, X_target_reshaped) ws = self.weight_estimator_source_.score_samples(X_source_reshaped) wt = self.weight_estimator_target_.score_samples(X_source_reshaped) weights = np.exp(wt - ws) if weights.sum() != 0: weights /= weights.sum() else: warnings.warn("All weights are zero. Using uniform weights.") weights = np.ones_like(weights) / len(weights) if isinstance(estimator, BaseEstimator): score = scorer( estimator, X_source, y_source, sample_domain=sample_domain[sample_domain >= 0], sample_weight=weights, allow_source=True, **params, ) else: try: from skorch import NeuralNet if isinstance(estimator, NeuralNet): # Deep estimators dont accept allow_source parameter score = scorer( estimator, X_source, y_source, sample_domain=sample_domain[sample_domain >= 0], sample_weight=weights, **params, ) else: raise ValueError("Estimator is not a NeuralNet instance") except ImportError: raise ValueError( "Importance Weighted Scorer does not support estimator" f"of type {type(estimator).__name__}" ) return self._sign * score
[docs] class PredictionEntropyScorer(_BaseDomainAwareScorer): """Score based on the entropy of predictions on unsupervised dataset. See [18]_ for details. Parameters ---------- greater_is_better : bool, default=False Whether `scorer` is a score function (default), meaning high is good, or a loss function, meaning low is good. In the latter case, the scorer object will sign-flip the outcome of the `scorer`. reduction: str, default='mean' Specifies the reduction to apply to the entropy values. Must be one of ['none', 'mean', 'sum']. If 'none', the entropy values for each sample are returned ([1]_ method). If 'mean', the mean of the entropy values is returned. If 'sum', the sum of the entropy values is returned. Returns ------- entropy : float or ndarray of floats If `reduction` is 'none', then ndarray of shape (n_samples,). Otherwise float. References ---------- .. [18] Pietro Morerio et al. Minimal-Entropy correlation alignment for unsupervised deep domain adaptation. ICLR, 2018. """ def __init__(self, greater_is_better=False, reduction="mean"): super().__init__() self._sign = 1 if greater_is_better else -1 self.reduction = reduction if self.reduction not in ["none", "mean", "sum"]: raise ValueError( f"Unknown reduction '{self.reduction}'. " "Valid options are: 'none', 'mean', 'sum'." ) def _score(self, estimator, X, y, sample_domain=None, **params): if not hasattr(estimator, "predict_proba"): raise AttributeError( "The estimator passed should have a 'predict_proba' method. " f"The estimator {estimator!r} does not." ) X, y, sample_domain = check_X_y_domain(X, y, sample_domain, allow_nd=True) source_idx = extract_source_indices(sample_domain) proba = estimator.predict_proba( X[~source_idx], sample_domain=sample_domain[~source_idx], **params ) if hasattr(estimator, "predict_log_proba"): log_proba = estimator.predict_log_proba( X[~source_idx], sample_domain=sample_domain[~source_idx], **params ) else: log_proba = np.log(proba + 1e-7) infty_mask = np.isneginf(log_proba) entropy_per_sample = -proba * log_proba entropy_per_sample[infty_mask] = 0 # x*log(x) -> 0 as x -> 0 if self.reduction == "none": return self._sign * entropy_per_sample elif self.reduction == "sum": return self._sign * np.sum(entropy_per_sample) elif self.reduction == "mean": return self._sign * np.mean(entropy_per_sample) else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown reduction '{self.reduction}'. " "Valid options are: 'none', 'mean', 'sum'." )
[docs] class SoftNeighborhoodDensity(_BaseDomainAwareScorer): """Score based on the entropy of similarity between unsupervised dataset. See [19]_ for details. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature in the Eq. 2 in [1]_. Default is set to 0.05, the value proposed in the paper. greater_is_better : bool, default=True Whether `scorer` is a score function (default), meaning high is good, or a loss function, meaning low is good. In the latter case, the scorer object will sign-flip the outcome of the `scorer`. References ---------- .. [19] Kuniaki Saito et al. Tune it the Right Way: Unsupervised Validation of Domain Adaptation via Soft Neighborhood Density. International Conference on Computer Vision, 2021. """ def __init__(self, T=0.05, greater_is_better=True): super().__init__() self.T = T self._sign = 1 if greater_is_better else -1 def _score(self, estimator, X, y, sample_domain=None, **params): if not hasattr(estimator, "predict_proba"): raise AttributeError( "The estimator passed should have a 'predict_proba' method. " f"The estimator {estimator!r} does not." ) X, y, sample_domain = check_X_y_domain(X, y, sample_domain, allow_nd=True) source_idx = extract_source_indices(sample_domain) proba = estimator.predict_proba( X[~source_idx], sample_domain=sample_domain[~source_idx], **params ) proba = Normalizer(norm="l2").fit_transform(proba) similarity_matrix = proba @ proba.T / self.T np.fill_diagonal(similarity_matrix, -np.diag(similarity_matrix)) similarity_matrix = softmax(similarity_matrix) entropy = np.sum(-similarity_matrix * np.log(similarity_matrix), axis=1) return self._sign * np.mean(entropy)
[docs] class DeepEmbeddedValidation(_BaseDomainAwareScorer): """Loss based on source data using features representation to weight samples. See [20]_ for details. Parameters ---------- domain_classifier : sklearn classifier, optional Classifier used to predict the domains. If None, a LogisticRegression is used. loss_func : callable Loss function with signature `loss_func(y, y_pred, **kwargs)`. The loss function need not to be reduced. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, default=None Determines random number generation for train_test_split. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls. greater_is_better : bool, default=False Whether `scorer` is a score function (default), meaning high is good, or a loss function, meaning low is good. In the latter case, the scorer object will sign-flip the outcome of the `scorer`. References ---------- .. [20] Kaichao You et al. Towards Accurate Model Selection in Deep Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. ICML, 2019. """ def __init__( self, domain_classifier=None, loss_func=None, random_state=None, greater_is_better=False, ): super().__init__() self.domain_classifier = domain_classifier self._loss_func = ( loss_func if loss_func is not None else self._no_reduc_log_loss ) self.random_state = random_state self._sign = 1 if greater_is_better else -1 def _no_reduc_log_loss(self, y, y_pred): return np.array( [self.cross_entropy_loss(y[i], y_pred[i]) for i in range(len(y))] ) def _fit_adapt(self, features, features_target): domain_classifier = self.domain_classifier if domain_classifier is None: domain_classifier = LogisticRegression() self.domain_classifier_ = clone(domain_classifier) y_domain = np.concatenate((len(features) * [1], len(features_target) * [0])) np.concatenate((features, features_target)), y_domain ) return self def _score(self, estimator, X, y, sample_domain=None, **kwargs): if not hasattr(estimator, "predict_proba"): raise AttributeError( "The estimator passed should have a 'predict_proba' method. " f"The estimator {estimator!r} does not." ) has_transform_method = False if not isinstance(estimator, BaseEstimator): # The estimator is a deep model if estimator.module_.layer_name is None: raise ValueError("The layer_name of the estimator is not set.") transformer = estimator.predict_features has_transform_method = True else: # We need to find the last layer of the pipeline with a transform method pipeline_steps = list(enumerate(estimator.named_steps.items())) for index_transformer, (_, step_process) in reversed(pipeline_steps): if hasattr(step_process, "transform"): transformer = estimator[: index_transformer + 1].transform has_transform_method = True break # Stop after the first occurrence if there are multiple def identity(x): return x if not has_transform_method: # We use the input data as features transformer = identity X, y, sample_domain = check_X_y_domain(X, y, sample_domain, allow_nd=True) source_idx = extract_source_indices(sample_domain) rng = check_random_state(self.random_state) X_train, X_val, _, y_val, _, sample_domain_val = train_test_split( X[source_idx], y[source_idx], sample_domain[source_idx], test_size=0.33, random_state=rng, ) features_train = transformer(X_train) features_val = transformer(X_val) features_target = transformer(X[~source_idx]) # 2 cases: # - features_train is a numpy array --> Do nothing # - features_train is a torch.Tensor --> call detach().numpy() if not isinstance(features_train, np.ndarray): # The transformer comes from a deep model # and returns a torch.Tensor features_train = features_train.detach().numpy() features_val = features_val.detach().numpy() features_target = features_target.detach().numpy() self._fit_adapt(features_train, features_target) N_train, N_target = len(features_train), len(features_target) domain_pred = self.domain_classifier_.predict_proba(features_val) weights = (N_train / N_target) * domain_pred[:, :1] / domain_pred[:, 1:] if not isinstance(estimator, BaseEstimator): # Deep estimators dont accept allow_source parameter y_pred = estimator.predict_proba(X_val, sample_domain_val) else: y_pred = estimator.predict_proba( X_val, sample_domain=sample_domain_val, allow_source=True ) error = self._loss_func(y_val, y_pred) assert weights.shape[0] == error.shape[0] weighted_error = weights * error weights_m = np.concatenate((weighted_error, weights), axis=1) cov = np.cov(weights_m, rowvar=False)[0, 1] var_w = np.var(weights, ddof=1) if var_w == 0: # If var_w == 0, we set eta to 0 eta = 0 else: eta = -cov / var_w return self._sign * (np.mean(weighted_error) + eta * np.mean(weights) - eta)
[docs] def cross_entropy_loss(self, y_true, y_pred, epsilon=1e-15): """ Compute cross-entropy loss for a single sample between the true label and the predicted probability estimates. This loss allows for a changing number of classes over the validation process. Parameters ---------- - y_true: int True label (integer label). - y_pred: array-like Predicted probabilities for each class. - epsilon: float, optional (default=1e-15) A small constant to avoid numerical instability. Returns ------- - float Cross-entropy loss for the single sample. """ num_classes = y_pred.shape[0] # Convert integer labels to one-hot encoding y_true_one_hot = np.eye(num_classes)[y_true] # Clip predicted probabilities to avoid log(0) or log(1) y_pred = np.clip(y_pred, epsilon, 1 - epsilon) cross_entropy = -np.sum(y_true_one_hot * np.log(y_pred)) return cross_entropy
[docs] class CircularValidation(_BaseDomainAwareScorer): """Score based on a circular validation strategy. This scorer retrain the estimator, with the exact same parameters, on the predicted target domain samples. Then, the retrained estimator is used to predict the source domain labels. The score is then computed using the source_scorer between the true source labels and the predicted source labels. See [11]_ for details. Parameters ---------- source_scorer : callable, default = `sklearn.metrics.balanced_accuracy_score` Scorer used on the source domain samples. It should be a callable of the form `source_scorer(y, y_pred)`. greater_is_better : bool, default=False Whether `scorer` is a score function (default), meaning high is good, or a loss function, meaning low is good. In the latter case, the scorer object will sign-flip the outcome of the `scorer`. References ---------- .. [11] Bruzzone, L., & Marconcini, M. 'Domain adaptation problems: A DASVM classification technique and a circular validation strategy.' IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, (2009). """ def __init__( self, source_scorer=balanced_accuracy_score, greater_is_better=True, ): super().__init__() if not callable(source_scorer): raise ValueError( "The source scorer should be a callable. " f"The scorer {source_scorer} is not." ) self.source_scorer = source_scorer self._sign = 1 if greater_is_better else -1 def _score(self, estimator, X, y, sample_domain=None): """ Compute the score based on a circular validation strategy. Parameters ---------- estimator : object A trained estimator. X : array-like or sparse matrix The input samples. y : array-like The true labels. sample_domain : array-like, default=None Domain labels for each sample. Returns ------- float The computed score. """ X, y, sample_domain = check_X_y_domain(X, y, sample_domain, allow_nd=True) try: _check_y_masking(y) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "The labels should be masked before calling the scorer. " "CircularValidation doesn't support semi-supervised DA" ) source_idx = extract_source_indices(sample_domain) # TODO: Check if skorch works with deepcopy/clone try: backward_estimator = deepcopy(estimator) except (TypeError, AttributeError): backward_estimator = clone(estimator) y_pred_target = estimator.predict( X[~source_idx], sample_domain=sample_domain[~source_idx] ) if len(np.unique(y_pred_target)) == 1: # Otherwise, we can get ValueError exceptions # when fitting the backward estimator # (happened with SVC) warnings.warn("The predicted target domain labels" "are all the same. ") # Here we assume that the backward_estimator trained on # the target domain will predict the same label for all # the source domain samples score = self.source_scorer( y[source_idx], np.ones_like(y[source_idx]) * y_pred_target[0] ) else: y_type = _find_y_type(y[source_idx]) if y_type == Y_Type.DISCRETE: # We need to re-encode the target labels # since some estimator like XGBoost # only supports labels in [0, num_classes-1] # and y_pred_target may not be in this range le = LabelEncoder() y_pred_target = le.transform(y_pred_target) backward_sample_domain = -sample_domain backward_y = np.zeros_like(y) backward_y[~source_idx] = y_pred_target if y_type == Y_Type.DISCRETE: backward_y[source_idx] = _DEFAULT_MASKED_TARGET_CLASSIFICATION_LABEL else: backward_y[source_idx] = _DEFAULT_MASKED_TARGET_REGRESSION_LABEL, backward_y, sample_domain=backward_sample_domain) y_pred_source = backward_estimator.predict( X[source_idx], sample_domain=backward_sample_domain[source_idx] ) if y_type == Y_Type.DISCRETE: # We go back to the original labels y_pred_source = le.inverse_transform(y_pred_source) # We can now compute the score score = self.source_scorer(y[source_idx], y_pred_source) return self._sign * score
[docs] class MixValScorer(_BaseDomainAwareScorer): """ MixVal scorer for unsupervised domain adaptation. This scorer uses mixup to create mixed samples from the target domain, and evaluates the model's consistency on these mixed samples. See [32]_ for details. Parameters ---------- alpha : float, default=0.55 Mixing parameter for mixup. ice_type : {'both', 'intra', 'inter'}, default='both' Type of ICE score to compute: - 'both': Compute both intra-cluster and inter-cluster ICE scores (average). - 'intra': Compute only intra-cluster ICE score. - 'inter': Compute only inter-cluster ICE score. scoring : str or callable, default=None A string (see model evaluation documentation) or a scorer callable object / function with signature ``scorer(estimator, X, y)``. If None, the provided estimator object's `score` method is used. greater_is_better : bool, default=True Whether higher scores are better. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, default=None Controls the randomness of the mixing process. Attributes ---------- alpha : float Mixing parameter. random_state : RandomState Random number generator. _sign : int 1 if greater_is_better is True, -1 otherwise. ice_type : str Type of ICE score to compute. References ---------- .. [32] Dapeng Hu et al. Mixed Samples as Probes for Unsupervised Model Selection in Domain Adaptation. NeurIPS, 2023. """ def __init__( self, alpha=0.55, ice_type="both", scoring=None, greater_is_better=True, random_state=None, ): super().__init__() self.alpha = alpha self.ice_type = ice_type self.scoring = scoring self._sign = 1 if greater_is_better else -1 self.random_state = random_state if self.ice_type not in ["both", "intra", "inter"]: raise ValueError("ice_type must be 'both', 'intra', or 'inter'") def _score(self, estimator, X, y=None, sample_domain=None, **params): """ Compute the Interpolation Consistency Evaluation (ICE) score. Parameters ---------- estimator : object The fitted estimator to evaluate. X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) The input samples. y : Ignored Not used, present for API consistency by convention. sample_domain : array-like, default=None Domain labels for each sample. Returns ------- score : float The ICE score. """ scorer = check_scoring(estimator, self.scoring) X, _, sample_domain = check_X_y_domain(X, y, sample_domain, allow_nd=True) source_idx = extract_source_indices(sample_domain) X_target = X[~source_idx] # Check from y values if it is a classification problem y_type = _find_y_type(y) if y_type != Y_Type.DISCRETE: raise ValueError("MixVal scorer only supports classification problems.") rng = check_random_state(self.random_state) rand_idx = rng.permutation(X_target.shape[0]) # Get predictions for target samples labels_a = estimator.predict(X_target, sample_domain=sample_domain[~source_idx]) labels_b = labels_a[rand_idx] # Intra-cluster and inter-cluster mixup same_idx = (labels_a == labels_b).nonzero()[0] diff_idx = (labels_a != labels_b).nonzero()[0] # Mixup with X_target and hard pseudo labels mix_inputs = self.alpha * X_target + (1 - self.alpha) * X_target[rand_idx] if self.alpha >= 0.5: mix_labels = labels_a else: mix_labels = labels_b # Calculate ICE scores based on ice_type # TODO: handle multiple target domains if self.ice_type in ["both", "intra"]: ice_same = scorer( estimator, mix_inputs[same_idx], mix_labels[same_idx], sample_domain=np.full(same_idx.shape[0], -1), ) if self.ice_type in ["both", "inter"]: ice_diff = scorer( estimator, mix_inputs[diff_idx], mix_labels[diff_idx], sample_domain=np.full(diff_idx.shape[0], -1), ) if self.ice_type == "both": ice_score = (ice_same + ice_diff) / 2 elif self.ice_type == "intra": ice_score = ice_same else: # self.ice_type == 'inter' ice_score = ice_diff return self._sign * ice_score