
skada.TransferJointMatchingAdapter(n_components=None, tradeoff=0.01, max_iter=100, kernel='rbf', tol=0.01, verbose=False)[source]

Domain Adaptation Using TJM: Transfer Joint Matching.

See [26] for details.

n_componentsint, default=None

The numbers of components to learn with PCA. Should be less or equal to the number of samples of the source and target data.

tradeofffloat, default=1e-2

The tradeoff constant for the TJM algorithm. It serves to trade off feature matching and instance reweighting.

max_iterint>0, default=100

The maximal number of iteration before stopping when fitting.

kernelkernel object, default='rbf'

The kernel computed between data.

tolfloat, default=0.01

The threshold for the differences between losses on two iteration before the algorithm stops

verbosebool, default=False

If True, print the loss value at each iteration.




[Long et al., 2014] Long, M., Wang, J., Ding, G., Sun, J., and Yu, P. (2014). Transfer joint matching for unsupervised domain adaptation. In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 1410–1417