
skada.deep.MDD(module, layer_name, reg=1, gamma=4.0, disc_classifier=None, num_features=None, n_classes=None, base_criterion=None, **kwargs)[source]

Margin Disparity Discrepancy (MDD).

From [35].

moduletorch module (class or instance)

A PyTorch Module. In general, the uninstantiated class should be passed, although instantiated modules will also work.


The name of the module's layer whose outputs are collected during the training.

regfloat, default=1

Regularization parameter for DA loss.

disc_classifiertorch module, default=None

A PyTorch Module used as a discriminator. It should have the same architecture than the classifier used on the source. If None, a domain classifier is created following [1]_.

num_featuresint, default=None

Size of the input of domain classifier, e.g size of the last layer of the feature extractor. If domain_classifier is None, num_features has to be provided.

n_classesint, default=None

Number of classes. If domain_classifier is None, n_classes has to be provided.

base_criteriontorch criterion (class)

The base criterion used to compute the loss with source labels. If None, the default is torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss.

gammafloat (default=4.0)

Margin parameter following [35].


[35] (1,2)

Yuchen Zhang et. al. Bridging Theory and Algorithm for Domain Adaptation. In International Conference on Machine Learning, 2019.