
skada.datasets.make_variable_frequency_dataset(n_samples_source=10, n_samples_target=10, n_channels=1, n_frequencies=1, n_classes=3, delta_f=1, band_size=1, sigma_freq=0.25, sigma_ch=1, noise=None, random_state=None, return_X_y=True, return_dataset=False)[source]

Make dataset with different peak frequency.

n_samples_sourceint, default=100

It is the total number of points among one source cluster.

n_samples_targetint, default=100

It is the total number of points among one target cluster.

n_channelsint, default=1

Number of channels in the signal.

n_frequency_sourceint, default=1

Number of channels which generate frequency peak and propagate to other channels.

n_classesint, default=3

Number of classes in the signals. One class correspond to a specific frequency band.

delta_ffloat, default=1

Band frequency shift of the target data.

band_sizefloat, default=1

Size of the frequency band.

sigma_chfloat, default=1

Std for the gaussian on the channels.

noisefloat or array_like, default=None

If float, standard deviation of Gaussian noise added to the data. If array-like, each element of the sequence indicate standard deviation of Gaussian noise added to the source and target data.

random_stateint, RandomState instance or None, default=None

Determines random number generation for dataset creation. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.

return_X_yboolean, optional (default=True)

Returns source and target dataset as a pair of (X, y) tuples (for the source and the target respectively). Otherwise returns tuple of (X, y, sample_domain) where sample_domain is a categorical label for the domain where sample is taken.

return_datasetboolean, optional (default=False)

When set to True, the function returns DomainAwareDataset object.

(X, y, sample_domain)tuple if return_X_y=True

Tuple of (data, target, sample_domain), see the description below.


Dictionary-like object, with the following attributes.

X: ndarray

Samples from all sources and all targets given.


Labels from all sources and all targets.


The integer label for domain the sample was taken from. By convention, source domains have non-negative labels, and target domain label is always < 0.


The names of domains and associated domain labels.


Dataset object.

Examples using skada.datasets.make_variable_frequency_dataset

Plot dataset source domain and shifted target domain

Plot dataset source domain and shifted target domain