
skada.MMDTarSReweight(base_estimator=None, gamma=1.0, reg=1e-10, tol=1e-06, max_iter=1000)[source]

Target shift reweighting using MMD.

See Section 3 of [21] for details.

base_estimatorsklearn estimator, default=None

Estimator used for fitting and prediction

gammafloat or array like

Parameters for the kernels.

regfloat, default=1e-10

Regularization parameter for the labels kernel matrix.

tolfloat, default=1e-6

Tolerance for the stopping criterion in the optimization.

max_iterint, default=1000

Number of maximum iteration before stopping the optimization.

pipelinesklearn pipeline

Pipeline containing the DensityReweight adapter and the base estimator.



Kun Zhang et. al. Domain Adaptation under Target and Conditional Shift In ICML, 2013.

Examples using skada.MMDTarSReweight

Comparison of DA classification methods

Comparison of DA classification methods