
skada.TransferComponentAnalysisAdapter(kernel='rbf', n_components=None, mu=0.1)[source]

Transfer Component Analysis.

See [9] for details.

kernelkernel object, default='rbf'

The kernel computed between data.

n_componentsint, default=None

The numbers of components to learn with PCA. Should be less or equal to the number of samples of the source and target data.

mufloat, default=0.1

The parameter of the regularization in the optimization problem.


Source data used for the optimization problem.


Target data used for the optimization problem.


Kernel distance between the data (source and target).


Highest n_components eigenvectors of the solution of the optimization problem used to project in the new subspace.



Sinno Jialin Pan et. al. Domain Adaptation via Transfer Component Analysis. In IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2011.