- skada.LinearOTMapping(base_estimator=None, reg=1.0, bias=True)[source]
Returns a the linear OT mapping method with adapter and estimator.
Uses Gaussian Monge mapping to align source and target domains as proposed in [7].
- Parameters:
- base_estimatorobject, optional (default=None)
The base estimator to fit on the target dataset.
- regfloat, (default=1e-08)
regularization added to the diagonals of covariances.
- bias: bool, optional (default=True)
estimate bias.
- Returns:
- pipelinePipeline
Pipeline containing linear OT mapping adapter and base estimator.
[6]N. Courty, R. Flamary, D. Tuia and A. Rakotomamonjy, Optimal Transport for Domain Adaptation, in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence